You Can Help

  • Cash Gifts: Make a cash, check, or credit card contribution. Donate securely online. You may also make credit card donations over the phone by calling 252.745.9703.
  • Matching Gifts: Double your contribution to HeartWorks if you are employed by a company with a matching gifts program. Just send your company’s matching gift form along with your contribution to us.
  • Gifts of Stock: Learn more about donating stock. Call 252.745.9703.
  • Memorial and Honorarium Gifts: Any gift to HeartWorks can be made in the name of another individual. Such gifts will allow you to perpetuate the cherished memory or honor loved ones while enabling HeartWorks to give assistance to a child in need.

Donate Your Time And Talents

HeartWorks has a variety of volunteer opportunities for those interested in sharing their ideas, their time, their knowledge, and their experience with kindergarten through eighth grade children who need you.

Support for HeartWorks comes from private and corporate donations, grants, fundraisers, and VOLUNTEERS.